urgent adj. 1.紧急的,迫切的。 2.催促的,硬要的,极力主张的,纠缠不休的。 an urgent telegram 急电。 be in urgent need of (help) 急需(援助)。 on urgent business 因急务。 an urgent motion 紧急动议。 He was urgent with me for [to disclose] further particulars. 他硬要我说得更详细点。 adv. -ly
An urgent case in the rue st . honor , he said . it would not detain me , he had a coach in waiting “他说圣奥诺雷街有人得了急病,不会耽误我多少时间,他有马车等候。
If ever there were an urgent case for change in congo after years of neglect and war , it is kinshasa ' s general hospital 如果说在刚果经历了多年的管制不周与战争之后,刚果现急需改革一个地方,那便是金沙萨的中心医院。